Saturday, February 13, 2010

Joe's Non-Netbook

My first reaction to the video is, “Whoa” this is abysmal but after looking at the video a few times, I came to the conclusion that this could actually happen in future years. I began to think about the different technology media from my earlier years. In reminiscing, I thought about playing the 45 record on the record player. It was very simple to use because I was taught how to operate it by other knowledgeable adults. I also thought, if I had to do operate it on my own, I probably would’ve been just like the kid in the video. Not.

Knowing the way technology has changed and how rapidly we are confronted with new gadgets almost on a daily basis, I thought, maybe this guy really didn’t know any better. But as I take a closer look at the video, I noticed the young lady sitting next to Joe had a notebook (computer) and Joe had a “note” book-physically. The young lady, with her notebook can actually move pictures, hyperlink to different pages or websites, and download information. Joe, on the other hand, can not do this with his “note” book and he is TOO SMART to figure out why.

So why would Joe click pages to turn them or try to click blue text to hyperlink or obtain more information? I figured, Joe was born using a computer and never interacted with a physical book before. When the book was placed in front of him, he didn’t know what to do with it. He thought, if the text was blue, it is a hyperlink and he would be able to click it to obtain more information. He also thought that he could move an object (picture) from one location to another with his “pointer finger”. From the look and sound of things in the video, JOE GIECO is too techno smart for his own good. It so easy a baby could figure it out.

Slightly, in the defense of Joe, I can think back a few years when the eight (8) track tape players were a big fad. Within a few years it had pass on to cassette tapes and, in a few more years people had moved completely away from those devices to the new media called the compact disc (CD’s). Well, as I stated earlier, technology changes quickly and on a daily basis and without instructions, we would be like Joe trying to figure it out.

OR WOULD WE? Hang in there Joe; someone will help you figure it out sooner or later.

Check the video and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

karen said...

I too viewed the video. I thought it was so hilarious that it seem to me like it was a prank or some kind of joke. There are probably some kids out there just like Joe who don't know what textbooks look like. This day in age you can get the bible on CD or DVD so I am quite sure you can get other books on CD and DVD also. This society is getting more technology sound that we can barely keep up with the different gadgets. I myself grew up with the walkman or CD player bu tnow there are IPODs and IPOD touch, MP3 and I just recently found out that there is a MP4. i cannnot work either of these items. So i am pretty dumbfounded like JOe.