My mother had to be rushed to the hospital a couple of weeks ago due to the fact she was unable to breath or stand. Upon her arrival, she was immediately given oxygen to aid her in breathing. Eventually, she was seen by an emergency room physician who then took X-rays of her body system to obtain some insight on her condition. Shortly after the scans, the emergency room physician alerted my mother, my niece and my self, that there may be a possibility of phenomena, or blood clots in her lungs and not only that, for some reason, the physician stated that her Co2 levels were very high. He also stated that he had contacted my mother’s private physician and he was on his way to the emergency room to further assist her. My niece and I waited anxiously until her doctor arrived. Upon his arrival, he read her x-rays and immediately sent her to Critical Care Unit (CCU) where she stayed for about a week and a half. During that time, it was very tiresome trying to find a place to sit in the family wait room due to the fact that there was one family who consumed all of the chairs and sofas in the family wait area. On top of that, every time we entered the wait room, there would be these BIG pans of food spread out on different locations of the end tables and on the reception desk as if they were at a family reunion. Some days neither I nor other families had any place to sit. I’m not angry or upset with these people because some of them traveled from afar to be with their mother, sister, aunt or grandmother. Upon the hurt in their faces, you could see the warmth and love they had for their loved one. For all I know, it may be their last opportunity to see her alive and say their good byes. But we know, GOD is able.
Visiting hours are for thirty minutes every three hours in CCU. I felt guilty, but I decided to go home after every visit which made it harder for me to see the doctor and the nurse never knew what time he would arrive to check on my mother. I decided to leave my contact information with the nurse to give to the doctor hoping that he would contact me but he never did. I questioned my mother about her conversation with the doctor but she could never remember what he said. After about the fourth day, I managed to walk into my mother’s room at the same time the doctor was walking which was from two different door way entrances. I waited patiently until the doctor completed my mother’s examination and then I ask for his report on how she was doing. He stated that her Co2 levels were still high and he was in the process of ordering more test of her lungs to see why. I asked if she had phenomena or blood clots in her lungs. He said she did not have phenomena nor did she have blood clots AS FAR AS HE COULD SEE. He also said he did not know if there was any underlying conditions that he could not see and that is why he had ordered more test to be done. Whatever’s going on with her lungs is obviously keeping her Co2 levels elevated.
Eventually my mother started to feel better and she was able to keep her eyes opened more often than she could before. After about a week in a half, she was moved to a regular room; however she was still having problems with her Co2 levels. Apparently, it was beyond her doctor’s expertise so he asks for another doctor to test her. Well, needless to say, he put a fear into our hearts, he did not know if she may have cancer in her liver or lungs so we had to wear that on our hearts until the test came back. After about two days, I was leaving work when my mother called and said to me, “the doctor has just left my room”, and before she could get the words out her mouth, my heart sank, and then she said, “my test results are GOOD”! I said, “LORD, I am THANKFUL”! At that moment, I could hear my heavenly father say, “CHILD, where is your FAITH in GOD”? I responded by saying, “LORD, I am weak but thou art STRONG, please give me STRENGTH”.
Today is February, 14 2010. My mother is still in the hospital mending and continuing to take breathing treatments. The doctor stated that she would be going home in about three days or so. Co2 is still a concern but we know that GOD is able and prayer works!
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